At Nivia Born Boutique Hotel we are extremely proud to have obtained the Travelife Gold Certified for Accommodation Sustainability, which guarantees that we apply sustainable solutions in our activity in three areas: the environment, people and the local community. It is not enough simply to pay lip service to that; it must be proven. It is a certificate provided by a global certification body for the sustainability of accommodation using criteria recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, a body that accredits international standards in tourism.
After proving that we meet a set of 163 requirements, we can affirm that Nivia Born Boutique Hotel is an eco-friendly hotel. What does this mean? That we minimise our environmental impact and protect biodiversity, that we treat our staff fairly, that we respect and protect human and children’s rights, that we care for the welfare of animals, that we are responsible members of our community and work proactively to improve it.
Our commitment to the environment
At Nivia Born Boutique Hotel we control and minimise our environmental impact by focusing on energy, water, waste, waste-water, hazardous substances and biodiversity. From 2024, we will also be measuring greenhouse gas emissions from energy, water and waste.
People at the centre
Complying with all labour standards and treating our team fairly is also one of our priorities. We actively ensure that human rights are respected and we train our staff on how to identify and report signs of child exploitation and abuse.
Boosting the local community
We are proactive in supporting the local community in many ways. We inform guests about the importance of respecting the local way of life, we take care not to hinder community access to important resources and services, and we support community improvement initiatives. We also rely on local suppliers to provide our services.
Find out about all the actions we take to care for our land and our people